Technology Evangelist, Product Engineer, Analytics Expert
Laravel often have easy way to resolve the Models from route bindings that are often shared as your primary id.
Ever wondered, if you don't want to expose the primary index of your entities to end-users in your route URL or response JSON, this package provides an amazing out-of-the-box solution with the help of HashId's package.
Send SMS is a plugin by Sai Ashirwad Informatia that helps you send SMS easily anywhere over the globe by registering on
One of the main factor for responsive website development is developing css for multiple screen devices. Often it becomes difficult when we have so many set of devices and different set of dimension to each of those device, what dimensions we should fit. There are many answers already available on internet via css-tricks, stackoverflow etc.
Most asked question during your interviews, different between
String s1 = "abc";
String s2 = new String("abc");
The Apache JMeter
The 90% percentile line is where the response time fall under the smallest range of 90% and rest 10% are considered as higher values which are ignored.
My first blog in 2008-09 that was for sharing Software/Movies/Music/Ebooks information as RohanzShare was made up using which ran for couple of years well giving me good visitors.
I always wonder how several plugins host their pages on GitHub and never realized that actually, those were GitHub pages, thanks to GitLab Pages and their blogs & obviously well documentation helped me understand quite easily what these blog-aware static websites are and also helped me get started with it quite easily.
For me going school was just a regular day with no path why we are doing this until I met Claira Miss, in sixth standard, where I learnt importance of education and started scoring good since sixth standard but the path was not clear yet. Why are we studying, it was regular mugging up and scoring goods.